Our Angel Hearts Mission Statement:
To be selfless and to have enough love, compassion, and care to take action and help others in
Our Angel HeartsGoal:
To ensure that we do our part in making the entire State of Arizona more aware of the dangers
around water. To prepare and increase the confidence of our First Responders, Health Care
Workers and every day Civilians when faced with emergency situations.
Meet our Angel Hearts Team:

Michael Harrell Sr.
(Lead Instructor)
I am a 56 year old husband and father. I am also an Air Force veteran, a Firefighter for 37 years, a former Fire Chief, and a Fire Instructor for nearly 30 years. I absolutely love and enjoy teaching!
As a young Air Force Firefighter, I embraced the opportunity to serve, not only my country but
my local community as well. So: after 35 years of civil service, over 22 years as the Co-Founder
of a Youth track club of USA Track & Field – Arizona, 12 years as a local high school track &
field coach, and nearly 20 years as an Executive Board Member of a local non-profit, I founded
Angel Hearts CPR Training.
With the number of waterways, lakes, swimming pools, etc. in the State of Arizona, I believe the
need grows greater every year, in our communities for more water-safety awareness and CPR
(cardiopulmonary resuscitation training).
My hope is to team up with as many veterans, first responders and community minded people to
offer affordable training to as many residents as possible. Angel hearts, CPR offers high-quality adult, child, and infant CPR certification courses, suitable for schools, communities, and workplaces. You can print your CPR/AED training certificate for healthcare providers after scoring the required passing score. We continue to receive positive feedback from our students about our CPR certification courses. Learn how our program can help you perform CPR and help save a life.
Local Stories When Knowing CPR Helped Save A Life:
A Brother and sister reunite after he saved her life.
In 2021, Little Rose drowned in a pool. Her then 18-year-old brother Eric pulled her out and performed CPR, saving her life. This is their reunion after her four day stay in the hospital.
A Valley girl is honored after saving her three-year-old brothers life.
Tenley Holmstrom 9, was honored by Phoenix and Glendale fire departments. Glendale, Arizona – it was a typical Sunday for the Holstrom family in Glendale who spent the afternoon playing in their pool. “We have a fence, we have supervision, all of our kids know what to do said TiinaLiisa Holstrom (mom) remembering that day back in April. What made this a day that they will never forget is when her three-year-old son Laikin had a medical emergency and became unconscious in the water. “This was my worst nightmare.” Said Holstrom, she said Laiken was faced down in the water, before anyone could act his nine-year-old sister Tinley sprang into action, pulling her brother from the pool and starting chest compressions on him.